6G-XR First Round Open Call is officially open
Following months of work and cooperation among the consortium partners, the first round of Open Calls is officially open!
The main goal of the open call is to address identified gaps in the 6G-XR infrastructures and target the development and extension of the four research infrastructures to make them ready for advanced experimentation.
The main themes of focus will include 1) networking and computing enablers; 2) XR enablers; 3) RAN enablers; and 4) Sustainability enablers for local green energy, controlling energy sources and charging/discharging, energy measurement and optimization solutions.
Successful proposals will receive funding, will have guaranteed access to the research infrastructures and obtain elaborated support by the 6G-XR consortium.
Important dates:
- An informational webinar will take place 29 September 2023 @11:00 AM CET. Register here.
- The submission deadline to apply is 27 November 2023 @17:00 CET.