OPEN CALL 2: facts and figures

SNS JU – Stream B Enablers

The purpose of the Open Call 2 was to validate, test, and/or incorporate enablers coming out of Horizon Europe SNS JU Stream B thematises.

For the second Open Call, out of these thematises, in particular proposals on the topics and subtopics in the following AREAS (and 6G-XR Infrastructures) are requested:


Reflective intelligent surfaces


Deterministic communications


Energy measurement


AI/ML for slicing


Load balancing


Security & trust mechanisms


Increased capacity


Other Stream B thematises

The eight focus areas are further broken down into the following subtopics:

  1. 150 GHz Reflective Intelligent Surface (RIS)
  2. Implementation and verification of wireless deterministic communication links on 3D digital twin use case
  3. Deterministic networking
  4. Sustainability enablers for energy measurement and optimisation
  5. Monitoring of energy consumption of VNFs for Multimedia Streaming
  6. AI/ML algorithm for efficient resource optimization in the 5G slicing techniques
  7. Mechanisms for load-balancing and service migration to enable Device/Edge/Cloud continuum
  8. Mobility Load Balancing on ORAN campus network
  9. Multi-stakeholders security and trust mechanisms for Edge North Bound interfaces
  10. Confidential computing environments for end-to-end energy efficiency
  11. 6G channels
  12. Other proposals coming from Stream B thematises
Applications received
Eligible applications received
Type of organisation with eligible applications
Countries with eligible applications
6G-XR infrastructure used
Awarded projects

Discover here more facts and figures about the awarded projects:

Type of organisation

  • SME6
  • Research/scientific organisation2
  • Technology Centre1
  • Academia1

Geographical distribution

  • Spain5
  • Greece2
  • Belgium1
  • Germany1
  • Serbia1

6G-XR infrastructure

  • North Node, OULU 5GTN3
  • North Node, VTT 5GTN2
  • South Node, 5TONIC2
  • South Node, 5GBarcelona3

Awarded projects

Discover here the success stories of the ten selected projects:

Proposal Name: 5G-slAIce
Full title: 5G network SLicing enhancement using AI teChniquEs
Organisation: Gradiant (Technology centre) –
Country: Spain

Topic: TOP4 – AI/ML for slicingg: AI/ML algorithm for efficient resource optimization in the 5G slicing techniques
6G-XR Facilities: North node – OULU 5GTN

5G-slAIce aims to implement an AI/ML-based system to dynamically allocate resources in a 5G network core. It will manage scaling of User Plane Functions (UPFs) and reallocate physical resources to virtual slices based on network saturation. The system will use Incremental Learning (IL) for forecasting and a Reinforcement Learning (RL) agent for optimal resource management. By integrating these algorithms, 5G-slAIce seeks to enhance 5G and support future 6G networks, ensuring efficient resource management, preventing over-saturation, and maintaining service level agreements (SLAs) for an improved user experience.

Proposal Name: 6G REMIX
Full title: 6G Real-time Energy Monitoring for XR
Organisation: Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung (Research / Scientific organisation) –
Country: Germany

Topic: TOP3.3 – Energy measurement: Monitoring of energy consumption of VNFs for Multimedia Streaming
6G-XR Facilities: South node – 5GBarcelona

6G REMIX aims to address the environmental impact of multimedia streaming by monitoring and visualizing real-time energy consumption data of Virtual Network Functions (VNFs). Given the urgent need to reduce CO2 emissions, particularly from ICT solutions, the project focuses on measuring energy use across the streaming chain. It plans to enhance 6G-XR nodes with tools to collect and analyze energy consumption data using smart Power Distribution Units (PDUs) and integrate these measurements into existing systems via open APIs. Additionally, 6G REMIX will implement an observation system to monitor critical metrics of energy consumption and multimedia streaming performance in real-time.

Proposal Name: AI4EE
Full title: A holistic approach for energy efficiency driven by AI-based deep understanding of the process stability
Organisation: Nissatech (SME) –
Country: Serbia

Topic: TOP3.2 – Energy measurement: Sustainability enablers for energy measurement and optimisation 
6G-XR Facilities: North node – VTT 5GTN

Achieving energy efficiency in mobile networks requires balancing reduced energy consumption, improved sustainability, and maintaining QoS. The first step is measuring energy consumption, but this alone isn’t enough for optimization. It’s essential to understand energy data in the context of business processes driven by QoS and consider renewable energy generation. Stability analysis of energy consumption processes is crucial, as instability may indicate optimization potential. AI4EE proposes an AI-driven energy analysis framework for 5G networks to identify optimization opportunities, aiming for end-to-end energy efficiency and self-sustainability. This approach will be validated using data from existing power meters in the network.

Proposal Name: DYNAMICON
Full title: Dynamic Service Migration Optimization in Unified Network Continuum
Organisation: E-Lighthouse Network Solutions SL (SME) –
Country: Spain

Topic: TOP5.2 – Load balancing: Mobility Load Balancing on ORAN campus network
6G-XR Facilities: South node – 5TONIC

DYNAMICON aims to enhance service migration and load balancing across the Device/Edge/Cloud continuum using the Edge Computing Optimization Tool (ECOT) to improve the 5TONIC MEC Orchestrator. The project focuses on predictive algorithms for virtualized media and network function migration, optimal UPF site placement, and network slice selection. Integration with the 5TONIC testbed enables real-time, slice-aware service management. ECOT provides detailed edge node data and utilizes NEF APIs to monitor network slice statuses, recommending optimization strategies executed by the 5TONIC MEC Orchestrator. The project aims to improve service management and explore applications in multi-site environments.

Proposal Name: EMSEOS
Full title: Energy Monitoring System for Energy-Efficiency Optimization and Sustainability of Multimedia VNFs
Organisation: IKERLAN (Research / Scientific organisation) –
Country: Spain

Topic: TOP3.3 – Energy measurement: Monitoring of energy consumption of VNFs for Multimedia Streaming
6G-XR Facilities: South node – 5GBarcelona

Network function virtualization (NFV) and edge/cloud computing allow dynamic management of network capabilities using virtual network functions (VNFs). Media streaming services can use these technologies to optimize performance in 5G/6G networks. Developing energy-aware systems is essential for efficiency and cost-effectiveness. EMSEOS aims to enhance infrastructure by measuring real-time energy consumption of multimedia capabilities, enabling optimization strategies that consider both network status and energy usage.

Proposal Name: ENORMOUS
Full title: ENergy Optimization in multimedia tRansMission and 5G netwOrks Unified System
Organisation: Universidad de Málaga (Academia) – and
Country: Spain

Topic: TOP3.4 – Energy measurement: Monitoring of energy consumption of VNFs for Multimedia Streaming
6G-XR Facilities: North node – VTT 5GTN

ENORMOUS aims to improve energy efficiency (EE) in 5G/6G networks, aligning with Sustainable Development Goals and the IMT-2030 framework. It focuses on studying energy consumption, implementing AI/ML-based optimizations, and developing real-time monitoring tools. Collaborating with the 6G-XR initiative, the project integrates these tools into existing networks, particularly within the Open5GS core network. ENORMOUS will validate its innovations in cutting-edge 5G testbeds, contributing valuable insights for operators, academia, and standardization bodies towards more efficient and resilient mobile networks.

Proposal Name: OPTICALRAN
Full title: 5G/6G FWA with optical RAN
Organisation: Peta Optik (SME) –
Country: Spain

Topic: TOP7 – Increased capacity: 6G channels
6G-XR Facilities: South node – 5GBarcelona

OPTICALRAN aims to enhance Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) Radio Access Network (RAN) capacity by using optical frequencies instead of microwaves or millimeter waves for FWA channels, impacting optical links between User Equipment (UE) and gNodeB. Achieved data rates exceed 10 Gbps per UE over distances up to 2 km, with potential to reach over 100 Gbps by refining designs. Using a 1500nm wavelength, large optical MIMO channels can be more easily established than radio MIMO channels.

Proposal Name: StreamAnalyzerFor5GSlicing
Full title: Integration and enhancements of Lamda Networks’ NWDAF implementation to 6G-XR for providing AI/ML capabilities for slicing
Organisation: Lamda Networks (SME) –
Country: Greece

Topic: TOP4 – AI/ML for slicingg: AI/ML algorithm for efficient resource optimization in the 5G slicing techniques
6G-XR Facilities: North node – OULU 5GTN

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are crucial for optimizing 5G and 6G networks. StreamAnalyzerFor5GSlicing has evolved to include 5G-specific functionalities and is now a fully 3GPP compliant Network Data Analytics Function (NWDAF). It uses 3GPP APIs to aggregate and analyze data from 5G core network functions, optimizing performance and automating operations such as dynamic network slicing, automated fault detection, and predictive maintenance. The project aims to integrate StreamAnalyzer with the UOULU 5GTN test environment, refining its ML/AI capabilities based on experimental feedback. The outcomes will be showcased to potential customers for a strong market entry.

Proposal Name: TrustNet
Full title: TrustNet: Trust Management Framework for 6G Networks
Organisation: WINGS ICT Solutions SA (SME) –
Country: Greece

Topic: TOP6.1 – Security and trust mechanisms: Multi-stakeholders security and trust mechanisms for Edge North Bound interfaces 
6G-XR Facilities: South node – 5GTONIC

Over the past fifteen years, mobile networking has shifted towards distributing computing capabilities across a “compute continuum” from centralized clouds to end-user devices. As networks advance towards 6G, ensuring end-to-end trust and security becomes crucial. TrustNet addresses these challenges by enhancing the Trust Management Framework (TMF), focusing on secure data paths and novel trust evaluation functions. TMF integrates complex trust relationships to secure service orchestration in beyond 5G (B5G)/6G environments, leveraging open APIs for experimentation and ensuring reproducibility. TrustNet aims to advance trust management in dynamic networks, facilitating secure communication in future multi-domain 6G ecosystems.

Proposal Name: xDRL-RCS
Full title: eXplainable Deep Reinforcement Learning Assisted 5G/6G RAN and Core Slicing
Organisation: iThermAI (SME) –
Country: Belgium

Topic: TOP4 – AI/ML for slicingg: AI/ML algorithm for efficient resource optimization in the 5G slicing techniques
6G-XR Facilities: North node – OULU 5GTN

xDRL-RCS aims to transform network management and service delivery in 5G/6G environments by leveraging open-radio access networks (O-RAN), Open-Source MANO (OSM), and Open5Gs. xDRL-RCS focuses on enhancing network efficiency and agility through explainable AI, particularly distributed deep reinforcement learning (DRL). The project involves preparing comprehensive datasets from open-source, synthetic, and real data to develop advanced xDRL algorithms. These will be integrated into the FlexRIC system, OSM, and Open5Gs for improved real-time network slice management. Key network parameters such as air interface resources, transmit power, and slice configuration will be optimized to enhance performance and responsiveness, using real-time metrics for AI model training.