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05/02/2024 07/02/2024

ETSI is pleased to announce the ETSI Artificial Intelligence (AI) Conference: Status, Implementation and Way Forward of AI Standardization, taking place face to face on 5-7 February 2024 at the ETSI headquarter in Sophia Antipolis, France.

6G-XR is proudly supporting the organisation of the event. The project’s progress on the topics addressed will be presented by our partner Markus Mueck (Intel Germany and ETSI OCG-AI Chair) in the planned poster session.

About the Event

Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning (AI/ML) technology has made major advancements in recent years and is becoming a key enabler for new disruptive features and applications in any digital product.

The ETSI Artificial Intelligence (AI) Conference will focus on AI/ML from the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) perspective. The conference programme will cover topics such as new technological trends in the field of AI/ML, related standardization activities in ETSI and other Standards Development Organizations (SDOs), AI/ML regulation in Europe (European AI Act) and world-wide, implementation of AI/ML regulation with the help of standards, and related impact on product design and conformity assessment for market access.

More information is available on the event web site.