European Big Data Value Forum 2024: Presenting the XR Services for 6G Vision
The 6G-XR project took part in the 2024 edition of the prestigious European Big Data Value Forum (EBDVF) conference held in Budapest on 2-4 October 2024, making a strong impact through both an expert talk and an interactive booth to showcase the project’s activities on enabler technology for XR services.

Virtual Worlds and XR Enablers
The expert talk, led by Valerio Frascolla of Intel and a partner of 6G-XR, titled ‘Converged Networks as Key Enablers of XR Services‘, focused on showing how XR services can be enabled and deployed for the 6G future and their impact on various industries. 6G-XR was featured in the expert talk, showcasing its contributions to advancing technology and fostering innovation through its unique framework. The audience had the opportunity to learn about the project’s key objectives, use cases, architecture and in particular its focus on facilitating growth within the technology ecosystem through its open calls.

6G-XR Booth and Open Call 1 Demo on Client Mobility
6G-XR further engaged conference attendees through its booth, which featured a live demo by one of the winners of the first wave of open calls Research on QUIC client mobility (REQUIEM) project, executed by Office for Supported Research Groups (TKI – TAMOGATOTT KUTATOCSOPORTOK IRODAJA) from Hungary. The demo, represented by the team of Felicián Nemeth, LĂ©vai Tamás and Istvan Pelle, showcased practical applications of the project’s technologies, drawing considerable interest from conference participants. This interactive setup allowed visitors to see firsthand the tangible outcomes of 6G-XR’s support for innovation to third parties.

Promotion of Upcoming Open Call 3
In addition to highlighting past successes, the 6G-XR team actively promoted the upcoming third instalment of the open call on vertical replicability enablers. This was a key opportunity to inform the tech community about future funding opportunities, encouraging startups, SMEs, and researchers to participate in the project’s next Open Call.